Our Favorite Must-Haves!
Here are some of my absolute favorite items I personally use for my bunnies!
I added links to every item so you can find them easily.
These are items needed to properly house your bunny!

MidWest Homes Pet Playpen
This is an excellent pen for your pet bunny.
Each panel measures 24"W x 36"H, Exercise Pen / Pet Playpen provides 16 square feet of enclosed area (1.5 meters).
This is a reasonable price for a enclosure for your bunny to have a safe place.
It is Chew proof and high enough most bunnies can not jump out of!
You can sometimes find them used for even cheaper!

Washable Pee Pad Rugs
These are washable, durable rugs that I personally use in all my bunnies enclosures!
My bunnies are chewers and they don't really chew on these.
They are big enough to cover the majority of the enclosures to give your bunny a non slip surface, while protecting your flooring.
These come in 2 packs!

Rubber Pet Broom
Let me tell you.. I LOVE THIS THING!
It truly works!!
If you have carpet or rugs, you need this thing!
Cheap but works and not made of plastic. It is actually well made, no issues at all!
It works great with my washable rugs in my bunny enclosures.
Plushies don't shed as much as other bunnies but they still do shed some, it is crazy how much fur this broom picks up!
I use this then just vacuum up the pile, easy, no expensive vacuum needed!

MidWest Homes Stainless Steel Snap'y Bowl
I use these for water and for food in most of my enclosures!
Easily attaches to pens, keeps the bunny from knocking bowl over and spilling.
Easy to clean and snap back in!
Not expensive!
Attaches to most enclosures/crates with ease.

Kaytee Vege-T Bowl
I use this for water, its heavy and the bunnies do not knock over easy.
Large capacity!
Not expensive!
Easy to clean!
Super cute!
They have other styles to choose from.

Giant High Sides Litter Box
My bunnies use this litter box and do well with it!
Its easy for them to jump in and out and they have plenty of room to do a 360 in.
We do the deep litter method, I add a small amounts of wood pellets on bottom, then top with fresh hay. I also use a hay rack for additional hay! Refresh daily!
Cheap and easy to clean.

Frisco High Sided Litter Box
My bunnies jump in and out of easily.
Made just for bunnies in mind.
Cheap but heavy duty.
This has lasted my bunnies for years and it is still in great condition.
Easy to clean.
I put a thin layer of pine pellets on the bottom then top with hay. I refresh hay daily.
Large enough a 5 lbs bunny can do a 360 in with no problems.

Rooly Litter Box
This litter box is HUGE! Large enough for multiple bunnies at once!
My bunnies use this and it has worked great.
It's the largest litter box I have found and it is heavy duty!
Easy to clean
It is expensive but well worth it if you have multiple bunnies or a large breed bunny.
Small business owned.
Works wonderfully with small layer of pine pellets on bottom.

Pine Pellets Litter
I love this stuff!
It really works and absorbs the odors!
Easy and dust free!
Non-toxic all natural!!
Only takes a little bit each time you refresh litter box!
You can find at any local TSC.
Comes in 50lbs bag! It lasts.

Kalmbach Rabbit Feed 18%
This is the feed I use and trust for my bunnies.
I have never had any issues feeding this to my bunnies.
I buy from Chewy.com as a autoship.
I recommend 18% for my Plushies, so the fur stays healthy.
Always limit pellets and give unlimited hay and water!!
Bunnies under 6 months get a bowl full daily, older bunnies get 1/4 cup daily or as instructed on bag!

Hay Racks
Holds a good amount of hay!
Clips onto just about anything
Bunnies can easily access hay
Keeps hay clean
Only thing I dislike is the clips are kind of cheap and break easy but they are easily replaceable!

Standlee Compact Hay Bales
This is great hay if you can not find any local farmer that has hay.
Tractor supply also has Orchard Grass!
You can get this year around.
Nice big compact 50lbs bale.
Easy to carry and store.
I always recommend trying to return if it is too dusty!
Bunnies under 6 months should get Alfalfa hay as it is high in Calcium which helps them grow.
Bunnies are incredibly smart creatures, they tend to get bored quickly. It is important to give them toys and chews.
This will help keep them happy and healthy.

Palm Leaf Bowls
These are great chew toys for your bunny.
They help with your bunnies teeth and also boredom!
My bunnies go wild for these.
I only recommend giving as a treat, not all the time!
You can put added treats in the bowl for added enjoyment!

Apple Sticks
These are great for chewing and boredom busters!
I like to use twine and tie a few together as added fun.
Bunnies seem to like these!
Cheap and easy to get.
You can change it up by using other bunny safe sticks. *Please do research to see what is safe!

Bamboo Sticks
These are great chews for bunnies!
They are a great boredom buster.
Bunnies go crazy for them.
I recommend only offering them as occasional treats. *They are high in sugar content.

Bunny Tunnel
Fun play for bunnies.
Comes in different colors.
Use with caution, my bunnies chewed the dangle balls off.
This is just an example of a tunnel, there is a lot more options!

Wooden Castle
Safe for chewing.
Bunnies love playing with this.
Bunnies love jumping up top and loafing.
Fairly easy to clean
All natural materials, non-toxic.
Lots of options like this one.

Oxbow Treats
These are great treats you can buy on amazon or chewy.com
They have different flavors to choose from.
No bad ingredients.
No added dyes.
As always limit treats and other sweets!

Oxbow Rabbit Toys
Oxbow is a fantastic brand for toys for bunnies.
You can find this brand on amazon, chewy or other pet stores!
They have tons of fun toys and treats to choose from.

Trixie Dog Puzzles
My bunnies love this toy!
Super easy to put together and so fun to watch the bunnies figure it out.
Helps keep bunnies busy!
They have to work for the treats!
You can put pellets or treats inside.
It comes with different top options
It is a dog puzzle but bunnies can use it!

Stacking Cups
Easy to clean
Bunnies love to find treats in these
Its a fun way to play with your bunny!
Helps fight boredom
Bunnies love to throw these around

Kaytee Timothy Blend Cubes
These are great chews for bunnies to help fight boredom
They have to work hard to chew these which is great for their teeth!
Be warned - These are messy!