Before attempting to form a bond with your new bunny, it's crucial to grasp bunny behavior!
While it may seem daunting initially, with time, you can gain insight into your new companion by studying and comprehending their unique language. Rabbits possess their own intricate communication system, and there are strategies to aid in deciphering your bunny's hops, kicks, and grunts.
Common Behaviors
These are some of the most common behaviors you will see your bunny doing when you bring them home and as you get to know them!
Running through the house at top speed, alone or chasing you or another rabbit just for the fun of it.
Translation: “I’m playing and having a great time!”
​Rabbit stands up on hind legs and looks around.
Translation: “I’m checking things out.”
Expression of anger or territory warning.
Translation: “I’m angry! There’s danger! Get away from my space!”
A jump straight up with a mid-air half turn and a twist, usually executed in mid-run.
Translation: “I am joyful!”
A play behavior or a demonstration of anger.
Translation: “This is great fun, and it makes noise too! I am really ticked off.”
Nose Nudge
Rabbit bonks you with his nose.
Translation - “Pay attention to me. Pet me. Get out of my way.”
Pushing, pulling and biting bed linens, towels or pillows.
Translation - “I like to organize until everything is just right.”
Rabbit is lying with belly next to the floor, rear legs stretched out behind and front legs stretched out in front. Rabbit may also lie on his/her side.
Translation: “I’m relaxed and comfortable. I may take a nap.”
Tunneling behavior.
Translation: “My ancestors dug out their own homes before there were house rabbits.”
Bunny Loaf
Rabbit’s front and back legs are tucked underneath the body. Rabbit looks like she could fit into a loaf pan. Rabbits often sleep in this position.
Translation: “I’m chill and comfortable.”
Rabbit literally throws herself onto her side, which looks like she just keeled over.
Translation - “Life is wonderful, and I am ready to relax and take a nap.”
A natural behavior.
Translation: “I must keep my teeth ground down. I must clear away these vines (electrical cords, etc.) that are encroaching on the entrance to my burrow.”
Rubbing secretions from the scent glands under the chin to mark the rabbit’s territory. The scent is undetectable to humans.
Translation: “I’ve been here. This is mine.”
Invitation/demand to be groomed
Rabbit comes up to you, gives you a nudge and puts his head down to the floor in an extended position with ears at the side of the head, and awaits your attention.
Translation: “I am in the mood for love. Pet me now."
Rabbit vocalizations
Vocalizations aren't very common but they are still very important to know. If your bunny is upset or in distress, they will vocalize it. Knowing what your bunny wants to say and acting fast can help you keep your bunny happy and healthy if anything is wrong.
Indicates anger or disapproval of a human’s or another rabbit’s behavior (invasion of their territory, for example) and may be followed by scratching or biting. Translation: “Back off. Leave me alone. Put me down.
Whimpering, Squealing & Squeaks
Associated with pain and distress.
Translation “That hurt! I don’t feel well.”
Some squeaking is done in close, intimate situations and is an indication of closeness.
Clicking or buzzing of the teeth that indicates pleasure and contentment.
Translation - “I am a happy rabbit. I am completely relaxed and comfortable, and I’m in love with you!”
Indicates mortal terror or severe pain.
Translation: “I think I am going to die and I’m terrified.”
Tooth Grinding
Indicates severe pain, discomfort or distress.
Translation - “I’m in great pain and need help.”
These are some less common behaviors that you should know as well!
Rabbit stands on hind legs with his dukes up and throws punches.
Translation: “One step more and I’ll punch your lights out.”
A natural behavior. Translation: “I must dig a burrow. I must clear a place to lie down. I must escape. I need some attention or I have to go to the bathroom (usually done on their human’s chest or lap).”
Mating or dominance behavior.
Translation: “I feel like making love. Let’s not forget that I am top rabbit.”
**This is most common in unfixed bunnies but can happen when introducing a fixed bunny to another pet or bunny as a way to assert dominance.
Circling around their human’s feet or another rabbit can be part of a courtship dance or a means of getting attention. Buzzing (vocalization) can also accompany circling.
Translation: “I think I’m in love. I want you to notice me. I’m going to get you.”
Ear Position
A rabbit’s sonar to determine what is going on around him.
Translation: Both ears forward: “Something has my complete attention.”
One ear forward, one ear back: “I am listening to you and to something else.”
Both ears back against head: “I am really scared right now. I am submissive. I am about to attack.” (Tail is also erect and the body is tensed.)
**Because Mini Plush Lops have lopped ears, most do not have control over their ear placement and therefore cannot be used to indicate body language.
Feels like a little pinch and can mean several things (it is not the rabbit’s intention to bite).
Translation: “I want your attention now. I like you petting me, so I will groom you. Move out of the way now. This is a warning.”
Exploring and play behavior.
Translation: “Indiana Jones has nothing on me!"
A sign of disapproval.
Translation: “Get away! What are you doing?” (with attitude)
Tail Movements
When erect, a sign of interest or aggression. When wagging, it’s a form of defiance or back talk.
Translation: “Wow, that’s interesting. You have just plucked my last nerve and I’m going to do something about it. I don’t want to; you can’t make me.”